This is a text service floating window. It floats above any application's windows.
This item is not available because it cannot be used with the dialogue box on your screen.
This menu is not available because it cannot be used with the dialogue box on your screen.
Makes ^0 active. Marked because ^0 needs immediate attention.
Makes ^0 active. Checked because ^0 is active.
Makes this application or program active and shows its windows. The icon is dimmed because ^0 windows are hidden.
Makes ^0 active.
Sticky Keys
This symbol indicates that Sticky Keys is turned on, and that the key you have pressed is locked down until you press it again. You can now reuse the key (to cut and paste repeatedly, for example).
Sticky Keys
This symbol indicates that Sticky Keys is turned on, and that you have pressed a modifier key (Command, Option, or Control). To complete a combination keystroke, press another modifier key or a letter or number key.
Sticky Keys
This symbol indicates that Sticky Keys is turned on. When Sticky Keys is on, you can type combination keystrokes by pressing the keys one at a time instead of all at once. Press the Shift key 5 times to turn Sticky Keys on or off.
Displays all hidden windows. Not available because no windows are hidden.
Hides the windows belonging to all inactive applications or programs. Only ^0 windows remain visible. Not available because ^0 windows are the only visible windows.
Hides ^0 windows, leaving all other windows visible. Not available because ^0 windows are the only open windows.
Displays all hidden windows.
Hides the windows belonging to all inactive applications or programs. Only ^0 windows remain visible.
Hides ^0 windows, leaving all other windows visible.
Apple menu
Use this menu to open an item in the Apple Menu Items folder, or to see information about the active application or program. You can customise the items in this menu by adding or removing items from the Apple Menu Items folder.
This window is not active because there is a dialogue box on your screen. To make this window active, close the dialogue box and then (if necessary) click in this window.
This window belongs to the application “^0”. To make this window active, click in it.
This is an inactive window. To make this window active, click in it.
Scroll bar
Use the scroll bar to see items that are out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains no items above or below the window’s borders.
Scroll bar
To scroll a little at a time, press one of the scroll arrows. To scroll by the windowful, click in the grey bar. To scroll to another part of the window, drag the scroll box.
Application menu
Use this menu to switch from one application program to another when more than one program is open.
Zoom box
To change the size of the window quickly, click here. Clicking once sizes the window so that all of its contents are visible (if possible). Clicking again returns the window to its original size.
Close box
To close this window, click here.
Size box
To change the height and width of the window, drag the size box.
Title bar
This is the window’s title bar. To move the window, position the pointer in the title bar and drag the window.
Turns Balloon help off.
Displays information about using the items in the Guide menu. Not available because the About Apple Guide dialogue box is already open or because another dialogue box is open.
Displays information about using the items in the Guide menu.
Guide menu
Use this menu to get information that helps you use your computer.